Tiedän, Äitienpäivä on melkein mennyt mutta löysin tämän just äsken ja oli ihan pakko laittaa se tänne kaikille nähtäväksi! Se on niin hillittömän hauska!
I know, Mother´s Day is almost over but I just stumbled upon this and I could´nt help myself for putting it here for everyone to see! It´s so hilariously funny!
As a child, I don't think I had as much appreciation for my mother's super powers, but watching my sister raise kids gave me a better understanding. And the sacrifices mothersa make.
1 kommentti:
As a child, I don't think I had as much appreciation for my mother's super powers, but watching my sister raise kids gave me a better understanding. And the sacrifices mothersa make.
A Happy belated one!
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